Saturday, April 7, 2012

Just because you play drums ( sort of) does'nt mean you should teach drums. (explicit)

This drummer came to our music school, The Music Factory, and took a free 30 minute trial drum lesson with one of our teachers. I wasn't the one doing the lesson but I heard bits and pieces of it. Guy wasn't horrible by any means but he definitely needed some work if he wanted to seriously play in a band or anything like that. So anyways, he does not sign up for lessons with us which is fine, maybe he didn't like the school or the teacher or we were too expensive etc. This happens and is part of the business. No problem. So a few days later I was out seeing our same drum teachers band play and I run into this potential student. We start talking about all kinds of things and he tells me about his new business he is starting. "What are you going to be doing?" I ask.  " Getting my drum teaching business going" He says. Are you fucking kidding me? You could barley play a fucking parradiddle and you are going to be a drum teacher?  Now by no means do I think I'm the greatest drummer out there or even close to the upper tier of people out there but I do take it seriously. I took lessons for years and still try to when I can. If you have been playing guitar for two years do you start teaching and getting paid for it? I don't see that happening very often but for some reason everybody who plays drums seems to think they are good enough to teach. Yes I know, the best coaches often aren't the best players blah blah but this is different. I run into this in music stores all the time as well. Instead of sending the student to a qualified teacher or school the person working the counter lines up the potential student for themselves. I'm sure there are plenty of people working at music stores who are qualified to teach but from what I'm seeing, and I've been around way more than most when it comes to music retail, it's the exception not the norm. 
Here are a few of my new qualifiers for teaching drums...
1) If you can't play an AC/DC beat at the quality of a professional drummer, along to a click track, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GIVE LESSONS !

2) If you can't do a drum roll from open single strokes to a closed buzz roll and back reasonably smooth, YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS TEACHING!

There are a bunch of good drum teachers out there who have studied and put lots of effort into providing a quality product, please don't cheapen what they do by half assing it.
    Yes, I am pissed that I invested money into my music school and it is one of my businesses and I have to compete with some dude at the counter of a music store who can't read music but convinces parents that he's a good teacher. I think I have a right to be. I know it's a free market and all but music is still an art form and shame on you for not giving it the respect it deserves.
    If you are thinking of taking drum lessons, please seek out a qualified teacher. I don't care if their not from The Music Factory, just don't support someone who has no business taking your money.

Here are some other good drum teachers in the Orange County area that DO NOT work with the Music Factory.

Evan Kilbourn     @deadbeatdrums on twitter
Scott Reeder  scott
Rob Ferrell
Chad friggin Wackerman!!!!
Evan Stone

If you would like info on the teachers and facility at the Music Factory
go to

1 comment:

  1. Well put Danny, And thank you for the gracious nod my way. I am both honored and humbled, and I am available! You, Anthony, Trust, and the rest of the crew are most definitely true artists.
    Evan Kilbourne
    @deadbeatdrums - twitter
