Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wanna get the gig? Try being prepared ..

   I have only actually tried out for a band 3 times in my life. When I first got back into music about 8 years ago I saw a band that I thought would be cool to play with. I liked the style of music and the guys seemed cool. They did have a drummer at the time so I told them if they ever lost their drummer to give me a call. When the band called I remember taking the cd and listening to it constantly. I rented practice space at a local rehearsal studio a couple of times a week and played the 3 or 4 songs over and over. I knew it inside and out. And yes, I got the gig. Few years go by and I hear of another band, a little further up the food chain that is in need of a drummer. I really like the music, it was much more like the bands I was listening to at the time and they even had some real solid success in their previous band. Radio air play, tours etc..All that good stuff. The new record even had some other big name people working on it. The only problem was I had never played this style before and it wasn't that easy to jump in to. Again, I listened to the songs non stop. I had my own recording studio by now so I could play along to the cd when ever I wanted so that helped a ton. I would say I practiced 5 times a week for a few hours to try and get it together. I remember calling the guitar player and asking for a bit more time. When I went to play with them I had cheat sheets made of the song arrangements. ( A practice I still apply) I got that gig as well. For my last audition I did all those things at an even harder pace. 8 to 10 hours a day of just me and the kit, a pair of headphones and the songs. You already know how that one turned out. I tell you this not impress you but to impress upon you a few things I have learned from some far more talented and successful people than me.
    Now let me give you my experience on the other side of the coin. This is when I have had bass players auditioning for some of these earlier bands I played in. We would make sure the guy had the cd of course. The bass player would roll into our practice space and 9 times out of 10 say " I didn't really learn the exact songs, just show me the chords and I'll pick it up".
What the @&$% are these people thinking? Really?? You want to waste my time ? I'm gonna sit here on my drum throne while the guitar player shows you the chords? Get out...Get out now!!!
     So the gist of this is be prepared. If you do your home work you may already be way ahead of half the other guys who are trying out. Be professional and take some pride in your art. I have been lucky to know and be good friends with some very successful musicians. You wanna know what one character trait they all posses? Not being a frigging slacker!!!!

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